Learn how we calculate how much you have earned every day.
Ever wondered how Clair figures the number for the amount you accumulate each day in your On-Demand Pay? Well, the calculation is actually quite simple. Clair partners with your provider in order to get specific data for these calculations. Your daily addition to your On-Demand Pay is calculated as follows:
Your pay rate x Your hours worked that day = Your earned wages.
Your earned wages ÷ 50% = The amount added to your On-Demand Pay every worked shift.
It’s just that simple. 50% of your earned wages for the day are added to the total you can advance against your next paycheck. There are also minimum and maximum limits on the amount of On-Demand Pay you can borrow. The minimum advance you can take is $50, and the maximum your On-Demand Pay will accrue each pay period is $200.
All Advances are originated by Pathward®, N.A.